Aging & Longevity

Bryan Johnson’s Free Guide to Oral Hygiene: Toothpaste and All

Longevity guru Bryan Johnson shares his routine for perfect oral health.

Bryan Johnson
By Griffin Dean

Key Points: 

  • Johnson water flosses, flosses, brushes, and tongue scrapes (in that order), while only using mouthwash for speaking with people and smooching. 
  • He says to avoid sugar, acidic liquids, and dry mouth. 
  • His routine parallels basic recommendations except for his use of fluoride-free toothpaste. 

Poor oral health is associated with an increased risk of mortality from cardiovascular disease, respiratory disease, and dementia. It follows that practicing good oral hygiene could potentially lead to a longer life. 

In his latest YouTube video, longevity guru Bryan Johnson said, “It’s possible I have the most extensive oral care of anyone on planet Earth.” Thus, considering Johnson once had rotting teeth, following his routine could improve anyone’s oral health.  

Bryan Johnson’s Routine for Perfect Oral Health 

Water flossing: Johnson says that even after brushing and flossing, a water flosser — a high-pressure stream of water — will help remove additional debris. He says that a water flosser can cost anywhere from $40 to $200 but he uses a $100 Black Cordless Advanced 2.0 Water Flosser before flossing and brushing his teeth. 

Flossing: After water flossing, Johnson flosses with the $10 DrTung’s Smart Floss. DrTung’s floss has a thicker string, which a study has shown results in a 25% increase in plaque removal compared to smaller strings. Johnson explains that he uses both water and normal flossing because they are both good at picking up debris in various parts of the gums and teeth.  

Brushing: After flossing, Johnson uses an electric toothbrush (Oral-B), which he feels cleans his teeth better than a manual toothbrush. However, he says to use whatever is preferred. He also waits 30 minutes after eating to brush his teeth. Waiting 30 minutes to an hour could prevent potential damage to our enamel — the outer protective layer of our teeth. 

Toothpaste: For fun, Johnson uses one toothpaste in the morning and one toothpaste at night. He now exclusively brushes with fluoride-free toothpaste but previously brushed with Sensodyne. He also uses Dr. Collins Biomin Tooth Sensitivity Toothpaste, which is fluoride-free and goes for about $16 per two-pack.

Someone using a tongue scraper.
Someone using a tongue scraper (image:

Tongue scraper: Johnson was previously unaware of tongue scrapers and now thinks they are very important. He explains that our tongue needs cleaning just like our teeth and that using a tongue scraper is a game changer. He uses DrTung’s tongue scraper, which goes for about $7. 

Mouthwash: Johnson says he only uses mouthwash in two circumstances: when he knows he’ll be speaking with others and when he is going to kiss someone. He uses a $10 mouthwash called TheraBreath Plaque Control Mouthwash, which he says contains xylitol — a sugar that has a sweet taste but doesn’t cause tooth decay. 

Bruxism device: Bruxism is a condition that causes people to grind and clench their teeth, usually while sleeping. Johnson, who has bruxism, strongly encourages addressing this condition because it accelerates mouth aging. He previously tried using a mouth guard, but just grinded through them. Now he uses a device from SomnoMed, which arrests mouth movement. He calls the device a SomnoDent in the video, but he may actually be using the SomnoBrux.

3 Things to Avoid 

At the end of the video, Johnson mentions three things to avoid if you want to maximize oral health: 

  • Sugar: Avoid sugars, especially the kind that stick to your mouth. This includes sticky candies and caramels, as well as ice cream and cookies. Sweetened drinks like soda pop and fruit juice also contain large amounts of sugar and should be avoided. Additionally, starchy foods like breads and potato chips can also get trapped between your teeth for bacteria to feed on.
  • Acidic Liquids: Avoid carbonated drinks like soda pop, which contain phosphoric and citric acid. These acids wear away your enamel. Coffee and tea are also acidic and drinking too much can have the same effect. Other acidic drinks include alcohol, sports drinks, and juice, especially those with high citrus. 
  • Dry Mouth: Dry mouth occurs when your mouth doesn’t produce enough saliva. This can be avoided by doing things like staying hydrated, not breathing through your mouth, limiting caffeine intake, chewing gum, and not smoking. 

Going to the Dentist and Other Basic Recommendations 

A dentist.

Johnson recommends visiting the dentist every six months. Overall, his routine piggybacks off basic recommendations for oral health. According to the Mayo Clinic, protecting your oral health entails: 

  • Brushing your teeth and tongue at least twice a day with a soft bristle toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste. 
  • Floss using either string floss or water floss. 
  • Eat a healthy diet free of sugary foods and drinks. 
  • Replace your toothbrush at least every 3 to 4 months. 
  • See a dentist at least once a year. 
  • Don’t use tobacco. 

The only contradiction between Johnson and the Mayo Clinic is the use of fluoride. Stanford’s Dr. Andrew Huberman has said fluoride has clear tooth strengthening and cavity-fighting benefits. However, too much fluoride can disrupt thyroid and brain function. Therefore, Johnson may be trying to avoid these potential disruptions.  


Johnson, Bryan. “How To Live To 200+ With 0 Cavities (8 minutes/day).”, uploaded 29 April 2024,

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